KU Graduate Application Instructions
Under the Graduate Program Information section:
- For "Please indicate your academic intention" select: "Nondegree-Seeking".
- For "Academic Area of Interest", enter "Natural Sciences and Mathematics".
- For " Academic Program", enter "Post-Baccalaureate Research Education Program (Non-Degree)".
- For "In what course(s) do you wish to enroll" enter "N/A PREP".
- For "Purpose of Non-Degree Enrollment" enter "Other".

Under the Natural Sciences and Math Supplement section,
- Identify four PhD programs and corresponding institutions where you plan to apply and describe for each one why you selected them.
- Select four University of Kansas potential faculty mentors and provide a brief description of how their research aligns with your interests. The list of departments that participate in PREP is on our "Find a Mentor" page.
Under the Statement of Purpose section,
8. Upload a personal statement, following the content and page-length guidelines listed.