Program Overview and Timeline
PREP scholars also take 6 credits of coursework at KU during the fall and spring semesters and participate in professional development activities through KU’s Office for Diversity in Science Training. PREP scholars travel as a group to a national conference in the fall and have the opportunity to present their work at a discipline-specific conference in the spring.
Summer I
a) Participate in PREP orientation events beginning in early July. In 2024, PREP orientation will begin Monday, July 8. PREP orientation consists of professional development workshops, activities to help familiarize incoming scholars with KU and Lawrence, and social activities
b) Develop an individualized development plan (IDP) with the help of the program coordinator
c) Select a faculty mentor with the help of the program coordinator

Fall Semester
a) Participate in PREP research, 30 hours/week
b) Complete BIOL 420/701: How to Apply to Graduate School (1 credit hour)
c) Complete BIOL 420/701: Scientific Writing (1 credit hour)
d) Complete additional graduate/undergraduate-level, discipline-specific coursework (4 credit hours)
e) Participate in program meetings, individual meetings with the program coordinator, and professional development activities
f) Travel to SACNAS and/or ABRCMS conference(s)
g) Prepare and submit graduate program applications

Spring Semester
a) Participate in PREP research, 30 hours/week
b) Complete BIOL 420/701: Responsible Conduct of Research (1 credit hour)
c) Option to enroll in BIOL 420/701: Statistics for Biomedical Research (2 credit hours)
d) Complete additional discipline-specific coursework (3-5 credit hours)
e) Participate in graduate program interviews
f) Opportunity to present PREP research at discipline-specific conferences
g) Present research progress at the Haskell/KU Student Research Symposium in April
h) Participate in program meetings, individual meetings with the program coordinator, and professional development activities

Summer II
Wrap up PREP research and transition out of PREP research lab. PREP ends June 30.