KU Graduate Application Instructions

Under the Program Information section:

  1. For "Please indicate your academic intention" select:  "Nondegree-Seeking".
  2. For "Academic Area of Interest",  enter "Natural Sciences and Mathematics".
  3. For " Academic Program", enter "Post-Baccalaureate Research Education Program (Non-Degree)".
  4. For "In what course(s) do you wish to enroll" enter "N/A PREP".
  5. For "Purpose of Non-Degree Enrollment" enter "Other".

Application Screenshot for steps 1 to 5

Under the Natural Sciences and Math Supplement section,

  1. Upload your Personal Statement (see requirements in the Apply for PREP page)
  2. Identify four PhD programs and corresponding institutions where you plan to apply and describe for each one why you selected them.
  3. Select four University of Kansas potential faculty mentors and provide a brief description of how their research aligns with your interests.  The list of departments that participate in PREP is on our "Find a Mentor" page.

Application Screenshot for step 6-8

Return to Apply for PREP